St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church is called by Christ to proclaim God’s word, make disciples, and serve the world.
Wednesdays – 5:00 pm followed by Lenten Worship at 6:15 pm.
Sunday Services – Worship at 10:15 am
Sunday School resumes Aug 18-9:00 am
Kids Club is every Tuesday at 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Bible Study will begin on Tuesday, Aug 13 at 7:15 – 8:15 pm and can be in person (St. Matthew’s Church Office) or Zoom. Please let us know if by Zoom so that we can be sure to send the Zoom link to you.
Matthew, 6:21 NRSV
For gifts, please use this link, Secure Giving Portal for St. Matthews.
Our staff will respond as quickly as possible