Welcome to St Matthews Lutheran Church

Our Mission

St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church is called by Christ to proclaim God’s word, make disciples, and serve the world.

Wednesday Lenten Soup Supper

Wednesdays – 5:00 pm followed by Lenten Worship at 6:15 pm.

Sunday Services – Worship at 10:15 am   

Sunday School resumes Aug 18-9:00 am

Kids Club is every Tuesday at 5:00 – 6:30 pm 

Bible Study will begin on Tuesday, Aug 13 at 7:15 – 8:15 pm and can be in person (St. Matthew’s Church Office) or Zoom. Please let us know if by Zoom so that we can be sure to send the Zoom link to you.

Matthew, 6:21 NRSV

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

For gifts, please use this link, Secure Giving Portal for St. Matthews.

Our Church Family...

Me and my family first visit with St. Matthew’s was for VBS in 2011. I was invited by a family member. At the time my daughter was 3 years old. We all felt so welcome. We became members in 2012 and think of the church as family. My son was born in 2015 and my daughter is now 14. They have grown so much spiritually and love Jesus so much! My children love church and the pastor and youth director are amazing. This little church is doing so much to help the community as well! Please come visit and you will see how the Spirit is in the hearts of everyone at St Matthew’s and how they love ALL people, just as Jesus loves us.
Melissa Hartfiel

We Welcome You

Our staff will respond as quickly as possible